About my career
The early years in my teaching career took me from working in challenging school settings, where I thrived on working with young people with special educational needs and behavioural difficulties, developing Arts projects and leadership at a young age, to living in Singapore. There, I travelled in south East Asia and India.
Moving into senior leadership roles, my passion for creating an amazing and creatively designed learning experience for young people came to the fore. Enabling young people to find their unique way to shine led me to progress within my career. Ambitious for myself and others, I strove always for high standards and for recognising success in all its forms.
As a headteacher, every day brought its own set of unique challenges, encompassing a wide knowledge base and skillset – and yet bringing with it the most rewarding of roles.
I often faced impossibly difficult choices, I was responsible for making life defining, people - centred decisions, alongside budget and premises management; short and long term strategic planning; governance and stakeholder engagement and crucially - leading a team. Working with and for them to create a rich climate, in which every person feels valued as an individual and a life - long learner, complete with mistakes, ups and downs.
I trained as a coach with the highly acclaimed Barefoot Coaching Company. This high quality, intellectually demanding training encompassed the Psychology of Coaching, Transactional Analysis and Neurolinguistic Programming as well as Executive coaching within organisations and transformational as well as transactional approaches to coaching. I am Accredited as an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation and I am a member of the National Council of Psychotherapists. I am currently studying for a Post Graduate Certificate in coaching with the University of Chester.
Since moving into a career in coaching I have developed expertise in group coaching, the use of improvisation techniques, and significantly, trained as a Positive Intelligence Coach.
I also have additional training to support others in dealing with bereavement, grief and loss.
I have a qualification in Mental Health First Aid.
Coaching Collaborations:
Sandra Whiles PCC https://www.sandrawhilescoaching.com/what-clients-say
Natalie Miller Snell https://nmscoaching.co.uk/about