“ We delight in the beauty of a butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
Maya Angelou

My Coaching
If you decide you’d like to work with me, you will find that I will be your champion, supporting you or your organisation in positive and dynamic change. You will also discover that I bring humour and honesty to alongside a non-judgemental and equality - driven approach.
I love working with individuals and groups, both within organisations and independently, bringing my knowledge, expertise and insight from working for over 25 years in the education sector to different and varied contexts. I thoroughly enjoy seeing others transform and stride out to achieve their true potential and with it, their happiness and wellbeing. Whether ‘standing tall’ to think in the moment; or ‘gaining perspective’ to plan more strategically; there is nothing like the boost you will gain from having taken steps to ‘stride out’.
“ The most common way that people give up their power is by not thinking they have any ”
Alice Walker
How I can help you
"We rise by lifting others"
Robert Ingersoll
The way that I work is both intuitive and considered. Whether facilitating workshops or coaching individuals I aim to create a thinking space with you - where your mind can find space and time to thrive.
I aim to foster truly creative thinking: your mind, body, sensations, intuition, gut instinct, emotion, inspiration and values are all at play in these creative collaborations.
Values and Purpose
By paying attention to your values and your core purpose you will find the motivation you need to give momentum and clarity to your actions. This inevitably brings with it improved performance and outcomes.
Positive Intelligence Coaching
Trained as a Positive Intelligence Coach, I will help you to build your mental fitness and resilience, fuelling success, happiness and wellbeing.
Find out about your 'thought saboteurs' by taking a FREE Saboteur Assessment here:
Change & Strategy
Enabling you to gain the perspective necessary for strategic planning, growth and change.
Overcome 'imposter syndrome', challenge the labels that you have taken on for yourself to step into your full potential.
Grief & Loss
We grieve for a variety of reasons. Grief follows bereavement and yet is also a part of moving on through our lives – opportunities missed perhaps, life stages, your evolution as an individual even positive transitions all bring with them elements of grief.
About me
I am an ‘outdoor person’, where adventures on my mountain bike, at the end of a climbing rope, or scrambling toward a tantalising summit always beckon. There is nothing I like more than flying along a single-track trail on my bike, weaving through a wooded hillside, mud splattered and grinning as I go.
Our environment matters immensely to me, my dad instilled respect for the natural world in my thinking from an early age and his legacy is strong. Trees, birds, hedge lines creating patterns in our landscape and butterflies all have their special place in my heart; whilst the roaring of the sea, dramatic shaping of coastlines and taste of salt in the air inevitably lift my spirits.
The Arts too bring me joy and light. Be it visiting the theatre, or an art gallery, or a concert hall – music, singing, drama, photography, dance…All feel like food for the emotions and provide creative inspiration. These things, along with books and food just give me pleasure.
I live in Llangollen with my partner, my dogs and my recently acquired blacksmith’s anvil…ready for my next learning adventure!

Leadership Coaching and Facilitation of Training Workshops
Leading teams of varying sizes and in a range of contexts has led me to understand the importance of building strong leaders at all levels within an organisation, building an optimistic and cohesive climate; a proactive organisational culture in which shared values drive decision making. In addition to coaching individuals, I offer group coaching with this in mind. Taking into account the latest thinking in neuroscience as well as research around leadership development, I offer personal and professional development programmes designed to cater for the entire leadership journey:

Step into Leadership
Developing Self-Awareness and EQ
It’s all about style
Building relationships
Stride out as a Leader
Strategic Planning
People Management,
Enabling Others, Enabling Self
Create your Leadership Landscape
People, Climate and Culture,
Finding your Purpose-led Path
Visionary Leadership
Broaden your Leadership Horizons
Sustaining High Quality
Extending Reach,
Valuing Governance and Stakeholders
Single Session or Bespoke Offers
Confidence-Overcoming imposter Syndrome
Managing Difficult Conversations
Resilience and Flow
Thriving through Change
Appraisal and Performance Management
Feedback as your Friend